Luigi Pezzullo
2017-03-29 13:05:56 UTC
Ho provato Iperf con la seguente configurazione:
A) pc desktop collegato alla rete con il cavo Lan
B) notebook collegato alla rete in WiFi
Il test è stato fatto con A e B sia client che server.
E' normale che eseguendo diverse misurazioni in sequenza la banda abbia
delle ampie oscillazioni di ampiezza, ossia cambia sempre tra le varie
I tried Iperf with the following configuration:
A) Desktop PC connected to the network with a LAN cable
B) notebook connected to the network in WiFi
The test was done with A and B both client and server.
Is normal that by taking several measurements in the sequence of the band
has large amplitude oscillations, ie always changes between the various
Luigi Pezzullo
E_mail: ***
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A) pc desktop collegato alla rete con il cavo Lan
B) notebook collegato alla rete in WiFi
Il test è stato fatto con A e B sia client che server.
E' normale che eseguendo diverse misurazioni in sequenza la banda abbia
delle ampie oscillazioni di ampiezza, ossia cambia sempre tra le varie
I tried Iperf with the following configuration:
A) Desktop PC connected to the network with a LAN cable
B) notebook connected to the network in WiFi
The test was done with A and B both client and server.
Is normal that by taking several measurements in the sequence of the band
has large amplitude oscillations, ie always changes between the various
Luigi Pezzullo
E_mail: ***
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